Find the Titan Lift That’s Right for You
The Midwest’s Premier Titan Lift Dealer serving Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois

Auto Dealerships
Make mechanics’ jobs easier with top-quality lifts, jacks, waste oil drains and tire accessories

Salvage Yards
Get more vehicles processed with the added efficiency of Titan Lifts and accessories

Collector Car Owners
Save space in the garage with heavy duty, store-and-stack, 4-post Titan Lifts for your prized collectibles

Backyard Mechanics
Enjoy your hobby even more with the lifts, jacks, and gear you need. Tinker to your heart’s content

Classic Car Restorers
Restore your classic ride faster and easier with Titan Lifts, vehicle rotisserie, jacks, and accessories

Stop bending and squatting. Instead, get work done quick and easy with a Titan Motorcycle Lift